Welcome to the naamsa | Dream Academy digital platform

The Academy is the nodal agency of the Auto Industry in delivering the aspirations of Transformation as envisioned by SAAM 35.



A globally competitive and transformed industry that actively contributes to the sustainable development of South Africa’s productive economy, creating prosperity for industry stakeholders and broader society.

Our Strategy and Key Drivers

By December 2022, the industry will have a comprehensive Transformation Strategy beyond the Ownership Element supported by a set of high-level principles and policies that seek toaddress the remaining 4 elements on the BBBEE scorecard and these will be evaluated against the following policy objectives:

Substantial increase in the number of black people in our senior management teams across the industry;

Enhanced preferential treatment towards black enterprises and black-empowered enterprises in our procurement processes;

Increased acquisition of skills, accelerated preference for black persons to access training and acquire new skills for their development;

Increased income levels of black persons and a reduction of income inequalities among race groups and prioritise black persons in employment opportunities available across the industry;

Increasing proportion of the ownership and management of economic activities vested in the community, broad-based enterprises and cooperatives;

Increased participation in productive economic activities in under-developed areas in order to uplift the socio-economic conditions of our communities.

For any enquiries about our services or if you would like to partner with us please get in touch with us.